Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis - Bildanalyse in der Medizin mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz - Online-Seminar

Umfangreiches Online-Seminar auf der IT-Lern-Plattform "udemy" von Marcel Früh -

Key Words: Deep Learning / KI / Bildanalyse u.a. zur Segmentierung von Krebs in CT-Bildern

In diesem Online-Seminar mit 87 Lektionen und über 12 Stunden On-Demand-Videolaufzeit erfahren Sie alles, was Sie zum Verständnis der neuen Technologie wissen möchten.

Hier die Inhalte - der Kurs ist auf Englisch -:

Did you ever want to apply Deep Neural Networks to more than MNIST, CIFAR10 or cats vs dogs?

Do you want to learn about state of the art Machine Learning frameworks while segmenting cancer in CT-images?

Then this is the right course for you!

Welcome to one of the most comprehensive courses on  Deep Learning in medical imaging!

This course focuses on the application of state of the art Deep Learning architectures to various medical imaging challenges.

You will tackle several different tasks, including cancer segmentation, pneumonia classification, cardiac detection, Interpretability and many more.

The following topics are covered:

  • NumPy

  • Machine Learning Theory

  • Test/Train/Validation Data Splits

  • Model Evaluation - Regression and Classification Tasks

  • Tensors with PyTorch

  • Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Medical Imaging

  • Interpretability of a network's decision - Why does the network do what it does?

  • A state of the art high level pytorch library: pytorch-lightning

  • Tumor Segmentation

  • Three-dimensional data

  • and many more

Why choose this specific Deep Learning with PyTorch for Medical Image Analysis course ?

  • This course provides unique knowledge on the application of deep learning to highly complex and  non-standard (medical) problems (in 2D and 3D)

  • All lessons include clearly summarized theory and code-along examples, so that you can understand and follow every step.

  • Powerful online community with our QA Forums with thousands of students and dedicated Teaching Assistants, as well as student interaction on our Discord Server.

  • You will learn skills and techniques that the vast majority of AI engineers do not have!

    Sie finden den Kurs unter diesem link: <

    Marcel Früh ist einer der Mitherausgeber und Dozenten in diesem Kurs!